- 04
- Mar
Vineeri kuumpress
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Vineeri kuumpressMedium: thermal oil or steam.
Pressure : 500tons, 600tons, 800tons
Hot plate size: 5x5ft,4x8ft etc.
Panels made from laminated veneer are very versatile. The hot press is mainly equipment in the production of wood panels. It’s mainly used for hot pressing the panels after gluing and combining. Different varieties of plywood have different requirements about the press.
Our hot press adopts frame structure, hydraulic drive, realize rapid closing by the plunger type oil cylinder driving the hot plate. The hot plate is heated by steam. The hot platen and the oil inlet pipeline are connected by high pressure hose, and a temperature measuring device is installed on the plate.
* Automatic loader and unloader are optional.
* Pressure, cylinders, plate size are customized.
* Siemens PLC system
* Uniform heat and pressure distribution
* Platen adopts Q345B
* Daylight number:10,15,20 etc.,
* CE Certificate and ISO:9001 quality management system certification
1956. aastal asutatud Weihai Baishengyuan Industry Co., Ltd. asub kaunis rannikulinnas Weihais, Shandongis, Hiinas. See on suurte ettevõtete gruppide professionaalsete mehaaniliste seadmete uurimis- ja arendustegevuse, tootmise ja turustamise kogumik ning omab impordi- ja ekspordiõigusi. Pärast aastakümnete pikkust arengut on ettevõte alati nõudnud iseseisva innovatsiooni ja teaduse arengu teed. Nüüd juhib vineeri tootmisliini seadmete komplektide, abitoodete tooteid, järgib pidevalt turunõudlust. Tooteid eksporditakse enam kui 50 riiki ja piirkonda Aasias, Euroopas, Aafrikas ja Ameerikas.