Roller Veneer Dryer

Roller Veneer Dryer

With our veneer dryer, you could improve capacity and log utilization through improve veneer quality.

Our portfolio includes roller dryer, belt dryer and belt&roller type dryer.

The peeled veneer is easy to split and deform. In order to ensure the process of plywood gluing and pressing, the veneer must go though drying process. The veneer dryer can be applied for the drying process of top and bottom veneer and thickened core veneer. It is distinguished by our advanced technology providing high productivity, low energy consumption and veneer’s high quality.

Roller type veneer dryer is applied for thicker veneer drying, such as above 1.0mm, equipped with infeed roller conveyor. It adopts transverse air pressure type air circulation mode, which is mainly composed of transmission system, heating chamber, steam thermal circulation system, cooling system, dehumidification device and electrical control system.

Linja ta ‘prodotti BSY tiċċentra fuq firxa ta’ magni tal-plajwud standard u speċjali li tinkludi impjant tal-plajwud, Debarker ta ‘zkuk, torn għat-tqaxxir tal-fuljetta, ċarġer ta ‘zkuk, conveyor ta’ zkuk, giljottina tal-fuljetta, pressa li tagħmel plajwudd, Vener Dryer, plywood Edge Trimmer, plywood Sander, eċċ.

* Aktar minn 60 sena ta ‘esperjenza, aħna wieħed mill-manifatturi ewlenin ta’ magni tax-xogħol tal-injam fiċ-Ċina,

* Jispeċjalizzaw fil-linja tal-produzzjoni tal-plywood, it-tim professjonali tagħna ta ‘R&D jista’ jforni l-proġett biex jissodisfa l-ħtieġa tiegħek.

* Aktar minn 10 persunal QC b’aktar minn 20 sena esperjenza ta ‘xogħol biex jikkontrollaw il-kwalità tal-produzzjoni.

* Wara li ċentru ta ‘manutenzjoni ta’ wara l-bejgħ proprju, l-inġinier tagħna jista ‘jmur barra mill-pajjiż għall-installazzjoni u l-ikkummissjonar.